TFSA Savings Account Fast-track your savings goals with 2.00% tax-free interest*

Open a TFSA
a bar graph with a swooping pink arrow showing account growth
Investment options
What is a TFSA?

Your high-interest, no-fee investment options.

an icon of a sheet of paper with a dollar sign and bar chart showing account growth

Earn 2.00%* on your cash savings

Every dollar in your TFSA Savings Account earns tax-free high interest.

Open a TFSA
an icon of a sheet of paper with a percentage sign and line of text


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What is a TFSA?

A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is a registered account designed to help you save for your goals—long- or short-term, big or small—with high interest and zero tax on your investment growth or withdrawals.

an icon of a dollar sign surrounded by shine lines

Grow your savings, tax-free.

an icon of a bill with a dollar sign sticking out of an ATM slot

Tax-free withdrawals.

an icon of the word fees inside a no entry sign

No fees or minimum balance.

TFSA by the numbers

$7,000 TFSA contribution limit for 20251

$0 How much you'll pay in taxes on TFSA earnings

$102,000 TFSA lifetime contribution limit2

Is our TFSA right for you?

It’s right for you if:

  • You’ve reached the age of majority in the province you reside.
  • You need an all-purpose solution with the flexibility to save for many goals in one account.
  • You expect to have annual contribution room that’s not based on your earned income.
  • You want your savings to grow over time tax-free, with the ability to withdraw your money whenever you need it.
  • You’re looking for an account that’s eligible for CDIC protection.
  • You're looking for a completely digital banking experience.

It’s not right for you if:

  • You don’t have available TFSA contribution room.
  • You want to make tax-deductible contributions.

Open your TFSA online

  1. Log in or become an EQ Bank customer in a few clicks.
  2. Head to Products, scroll to TFSA and open an account.
  3. Start earning 2.00% tax-free interest* on your savings.
Open a TFSA
two phone screens showing the EQ Bank products page with TFSA highlighted and a large yellow arrow pointing up

How do TFSAs compare to RSPs?

Account DetailsTFSARSP
If you’re saving for…Vacation, emergency fund, etc.Retirement
2025 tax year contribution deadlineDecember 31, 2025March 3, 2026
2025 tax year contribution limit $7,0001Get limit info
Are contributions tax-deductible?NoYes
Are withdrawals taxed?NoYes
 Open a TFSAExplore RSP

Common questions answered

Visit our FAQ for more details about TFSAs.

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