Mortgage Marketplace Get the best rates in the market with a smart online process.


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Shouldn’t home ownership give you all the value without the headache?

We certainly think so, and that’s why our Mortgage Marketplace gives EQ Bank customers access to the best rates in the market. It’s the smarter way to get a mortgage.

Smart features

Why make an online marketplace for mortgages?

Our Mortgage Marketplace is another step in finding ways to serve you better as a digital bank. We’re committed to removing the nonsense of traditional banking, so we can give our customers access to the best digital environment possible. Because shouldn’t smart people have access to the smartest tools?

The result is an easy-to-use platform and innovative algorithm that analyzes the mortgage landscape in seconds, to offer you a customized recommendation that fits. All it takes is just one application and a single credit check.

It’s revolutionary, really.

Smiling daughter carried by mother

How Mortgage Marketplace works 

As an EQ Bank customer, it’s easy to use our online process with personalized service which takes the nonsense out of trying to find a mortgage. Here’s how:

  • Apply online: sign in and apply online by answering a few questions to help us understand what you need in a mortgage
  • Review options: an algorithm will scan the market and recommend the best products based on what you're looking for
  • Speak to a broker: a broker will help answer all of your questions and review your application to make sure you apply for the right product
  • Mortgage approval: a broker will get you a pre-approval, or submit a mortgage application to the lender to get your mortgage approved
Couple sitting together daydreaming with graphic shape of home above them

Common questions answered

Visit our FAQ for more details about Mortgage Marketplace.

Not an EQ Bank customer yet? 

It only takes a few minutes to sign up online to become an EQ Bank customer, and in case you need a refresher, here’s a summary of our great benefits:

  • Earn more with high interest and no monthly fees
  • Skip the nonsense like bank account minimum balances
  • Get safety and security from a bank you can trust

Ready to sign up online in minutes?

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