Tax Slips Schedule of Availability

Here’s where you can find information on your tax slips for your EQ Bank account(s), like which ones to expect to receive and when.

For EQ Bank customers, tax slips will not be mailed to you, but will be made available for download as PDF files. You will be notified once tax slips are available. To access your tax slips, please sign into your account via the EQ Bank mobile app or web browser, navigate to “Accounts,” and select “Tax documents.”

Non-registered products

Non-registered productss tax slips schedule
Tax slip Description Expected online availability
T5 Reports annual investment income earned from interest earned on any credit balances Last week of January

Registered products

Registered products tax slips schedule
Tax slip Description Expected online availability
RRSP Contribution Receipt (2020) For contributions made during prior calendar year Last week of January
RRSP Contribution Receipt (First 60 Days of 2021) For contributions made during the first 60 days of current year Last week of March
T4RSP Reports withdrawals from RSP accounts Middle of February
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